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Enjoy Your Patio this Fall with Roll Up Curtains

Posted on Wednesday, September 28th, 2016 at 7:27 pm.
roll up curtains

Roll up curtains can help you enjoy your patio a little while longer until the cold winter sets in!

The weather is getting cooler, and the summer will soon be a memory. In between the sweltering, sticky days of summer and the bitter, frigidly cold days of winter, we have a season of pleasant temperatures in fall. Do you want to continue enjoying the great outdoors from the comfort of your patio this fall? Perhaps a chill runs down your back just thinking about the cool autumn breeze that could make that dream impossible. You should consider installing roll up curtains on your patio! Roll up curtains will extend your patio season and are perfect for the spring and fall.

Roll Up Curtains are Cost Effective

Roll up patio enclosures are able to enclose your patio space without having to apply for building permits or sink time into expensive construction projects. Patio enclosures require a minimal amount of disruption to your daily routine because they can be installed quickly and easily.

Endlessly Customizable

Roll up curtains come in all sorts of materials and colors. You can choose from materials such as vinyl, canvas, and shade cloth. These materials can be waterproofed to ensure longevity, and are designed to resist mildew and fading from UV light. Once the roll up curtains has been installed, they are able to be raised and lowered at will. Keep them up during a nice Indian summer’s day, or put them down when the breeze is a little too chilly. They can even be designed for easy removal so you can store them during the summer if you wish.

Enhance your Home’s Beauty

Roll up curtains are a great way to enhance the appearance of your home. Most Home Owners Associations have no problems at all with the installation of roll up curtains, since they are completely removable. And if you’re home’s natural architecture won’t allow it, we can design a solution that will hide and protect your patio enclosures with valances.

Trust the Experts at Carroll Awning Company

Ready to get the perfect awning for your business or home? Carroll Awning Company has the expertise and equipment to make and install the perfect residential or commercial awning to give your home or business an even cooler exterior. We can design, create, and install custom canopies and awnings all year long. For a free estimate and to get started designing your dream awning, give us a call at 1-800-999-5617 or visit us online. To see examples of our work, follow us on FacebookTwitterGoogle+, and LinkedIn.

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